Friday, April 9, 2010

Tackling a Classic...

I often listen to National Public Radio while working at my desk in the afternoons.  Last week there was a discussion about the "literature that stumps us".  People were calling in to talk about the books they just couldn't seem to get through...very often the teacher-assigned tomes that so many high school students are made to dissect with their adolescent knowledge of the world.

The book that immediately came to my mind was John Steinbeck's classic, The Grapes of Wrath, the celebrated novel that defines the devastating era of the Great Depression.  What a fascinating topic for a room full of 16-year-olds in the era of big hair and neon socks! I can still remember sitting at the desk in my bedroom, bent over this book with my chin resting on my hand.  My eyes moved over the words, but when I'd reach the bottom of a page I would realize I couldn't remember ANY of what I had just read!  Every assignment was a struggle, and I really couldn't tell you too much about the story because it just didn't leave an impression on me.  What DID leave an impression was the boy in our class whose parents wouldn't let him read it!!  He was dissecting a less controversial novel, and seemed to be enjoying his book much more than the rest of us were enjoying ours.  I was very jealous...why couldn't MY parents be more concerned with what I was being exposed to!!

After thinking about this for awhile, I decided I did not want to be stumped by Steinbeck!  This must be a great book, or it wouldn't be shoved into the hands of so many unsuspecting teens.  On Wednesday, I walked into the public library with a mission.  I quickly located the shelf filled with heavy Steinbeck volumes.  Surprise, surprise...there were 4 copies of the Grapes of Wrath available, and by the way they kind of stuck to the shelf when I pulled one out I would guess they haven't been checked out in awhile.  I cracked it open last night and began to read.....and read.....and read.....

I am pleased to report that while my teacher may have been misguided in thinking my younger self would appreciate these pages, she really did know a good story when she saw one.  My adult self is thoroughly enjoying rediscovering an American classic.

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A Quote From My Latest Recommended Read:

"When my generation of women walked away from the kitchen we were escorted down that path by a profiteering industry that knew a tired, vulnerable marketing target when they saw it. "Hey ladies," it said to us, "go ahead, get liberated.
We'll take care of dinner." They threw open the door and we walked into a nutritional crisis and genuinely toxic food supply......We came a long way, baby, into bad eating habits and collaterally impaired family dynamics. No matter what else we do or believe, food remains at the center of every culture. Ours now runs on empty calories."

- Barbara Kingsolver
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle