Planting a garden is one of the most satisfying ways I have found to add some nostalgia to the house. Over the years I have acquired quite a few plants that have a history, both in my family's gardens and in American gardens in general. Their stories add an old-fashioned charm and make for great conversation when people stop by for a visit.
The Harrison's Yellow Rose, shown above, is one of those plants. As you can see from the photo, it is just beginning to grow. This is my third attempt to establish this rose in my Central New York garden, and apparently it's true that the "third time's a charm" because the canes are leafing out and sending up new shoots from below the ground...a great sign!
Harrison came from my mother's yard, where it had grown into a sizeable, healthy and beautiful shrub. She had grown this at a different location when I was a little girl. It bloomed next to my sandbox, and to this day I cannot smell the flowers without experiencing a strong sense of deja vu that sends me back to my pail and shovel days! Ahh, the memories!
But this rose has a history much older than my personal recollections (which, truly, are not that old!). First recorded as growing in New York in 1830, this rose is said to have been carried in covered wagons by the early pioneers as they ventured west. It is possible to track the routes these people took by making note of the places this rose can be found growing. It is also sometimes referred to as the Yellow Rose of Texas, although it has pretty much been established that the rose in that famous song actually refers to a person. None the less, it is fairly prolific in that state.
While looking up information on how to care for Harrison, I came across a literary connection in this plant's history. According to the Gardens of Emily Dickinson, by Judith Farr, this pretty yellow rose was grown in her family's gardens. It is well known that Miss Dickinson was passionate about her flowers, and many of her poems speak to that. I am looking forward to picking up a copy to read, and hopefully will also pick up some horticultural tips from this poetic genius. Then I can tell people, "Oh, Emily Dickinson taught me how to care for that!"
Over the next few months I will continue to post photos of my historic rose to, hopefully, record it's growth and allow my mother to see how her shrub's offspring is doing. If we're lucky, it will even bloom this year. It is one of several heirloom plants I have growing on the property, many of which you will probably read about in this blog as they come into bloom.
If you are interested in growing heirloom plants, there are many websites available that can be found through a simple Google search. There is a great deal of information regarding the care and history of various plants, as well as nurserys that have them in stock. The best place, however, to find these heirlooms is in the backyards of our family and friends. I have found that the level of enjoyment that comes from planting Grandmother's flowers and vegetables is much higher than simply popping random plants into the ground. Your garden will become a bit of a photo album, of sorts, complete with stories to be passed on with each division you give away.